Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Fixing the Obvious, Skin Tones, and Smoothing Skin and where to from here

Week 8 Outline

Fixing the Obvious, Skin Tones, and Smoothing Skin 

I'm re-doing the Black & White resource page, adding a little bit about the history of the Black and White Photography and the different Dark Room Chemical processes and their results.

http://www.uofgts.com/PS-P2Site/bw.html  It'll change over the next few weeks…

I'm also re-building the following web page so, it'll be changing over the next few weeks… It's a list of tools in Camera Raw and Photoshop… 

 Remember, The class web site will always be available, and is always evolving…

Take another class… http://www.campusce.net/clark/course/course.aspx?catId=172


 So, Now what... 

I'm often asked… now that the classes are over, what do we do now?

Here are some suggestions...

Garry's Favorite web sites

  1. The Luminous Landscape
    1. http://luminous-landscape.com/whatsnew/
  2. http://www.dpreview.com/
  3. http://www.imaging-resource.com/news
  4. http://www.photographyblog.com/
  5. http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer
  1. Join a forum and lurk!



    At some point someone will post a question… And you'll be able to provide them the answer!

There are lots of videos on the Adobe TV web site


LUMINOUS LANDSCAPE  has a bunch of video tutorials that they sell. Get them and their video Journal...


George Jardine has a terrrifics web site a a series of videos


One more thing
Don't be shy, Stay in touch and share your photographs!


Photograph, Photograph, Photograph!

Then in Lightroom & Photoshop

Practice! Practice! Practice!


Best  Wishes

Garry Stasiuk



Thursday, December 13, 2012

Black and White… and Prepping for Printing...

I'm working on a web page about the history of Black and White prints and the different processes


Stay Tuned

Before you Print or Publish to the web Soft Proof

Printing from CS6

Printing  setup in Photoshop  CS6 has changed… but, the procedure to get a print ready to print  hasn't.

The Basic rule here is:  You want Photoshop to manage the color NOT THE PRINTER!  You after all have done all of "that" photo enhancing and you want to see the colors you selected in the print!!

Read the following pdf file by Martin Evening…
Color management 

Ben Wilmore's Colormanagement Simplified is no longer available

To save you ink, paper and time you NEED to soft proof your images…

You'll need color profiles for YOUR  paper and printer.

Here's the steps 

If you have Lightroom 4.x Do your soft proofing in Lightroom, It's quicker and easier in Lightroom

Softproofing in Lightroom 4

Once you have made your "tweaks" to soft proof and image for a particular paper and printer, or output for the web as sRGB, you can apply those same adjustments to ALL the photos before they are printed.
Got a question?





Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword…

Last Class Review

Just a reminder that there is a web page with complete step by step instructions on how to use the pen tool to create a selection and convert the selection to a mask.

You'll find details about the Pen Tool here…

The instructions go on and detail what you need to to do to "refine" the mask using the Refine Edge dialogue.
Click here to go to the Selection and Masking Tutorial


You can also make a selection based on color and convert that to a mask to edit with the Refine Edge Technology. http://uofgts.com/PS-P2Site/selectionbycolor.html


If you have a mask, you can always convert it to a selection, and back to a vector path.

How? If you have a mask, in a layer, right click the mask and choose "add mask to selection" or since Masks are stored in the Channels panel at the bottom of the panel there is a button named "Load Channel as a selection"

You can go one step further and convert the selection to a path, but, you MIGHT loose some data… In the Paths palette (panel) choose at the button at the bottom of the panel "Make work path from selection". The best strategy is to always save your Path with a unique name, you can always load that in the Paths Panel at any time.


 The Next Two Classes

Bring to class images that you would like to convert to Black & White, or split Tone. The class is partially about how to convert your images into Black and White. We'll also look at how to split tone images.
We will also be looking at techniques that used to belong to the realm of Photoshop, but can now be accomplished in Camera Raw.
In this class we will also begin to look at how to deal with "retouching" portraits, but concentrate on that during week 8's class. Bring to class a portrait that you'd like to work on...

It's Your Topic!

Bring a photo that is giving you grief and we'll collectively try to solve your problem… 

Fix it

Is there a technique or subject that hasn't been covered in class?  Send me an e-mail!

Is their a technique YOU developed that you'd like to share with the class?

Either leave a comment on the blog, or send me an e-mail. garry@uofgts.com
See you in class!


Post some pics to the blog and share them with your class mates!