Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Partial Eclipse Photography


I kinda anticipated that there would NOT be to much of a photo opportunity around here in dreary, cloudy Vancouver, WA

So when a bright patch actually appeared in the cloudy sky, just after mid-eclipse I switched lenses...

Sigmas 300mm , 1/500th of a second, f/ 22, ISO 100

Lightroom 4 teased out enough information to make out that the sun was actually being covered by the moon. Highlight and shadow recovery really helped!

Before and after

I also shot a sequence starting at first contact and ending at mid-eclipse, yep, it got dark.

You can see the video on my Facebook page

Next astronomical Photo opportunity?

Venus transits the Sun on June 5th! 

Week 4 Review



There is no class on Saturday, May 26 (memorial Day week end)

Class resumes on Saturday, June 2, same place same time.

Have a great long week end!

Here's one of my eclipse photos… Yes, it was very cloudy...

Partial Eclipse  30 of 42





Thursday, May 17, 2012

Partial / Annular Solar Eclipse - Photo Opportunity


Here's the details  Data from  http://www.timeanddate.com/eclipse/in/usa/vancouver

Partial Solar Eclipse from Vancouver, WAEclipse

Partial eclipse begins May 20 at 5:04 PM 263° 35.4° above horizon
Maximum Eclipse May 20 at 6:21 PM 277° 22.1° above horizon
Partial Eclipse ends May 20 at 7:29 PM 288° 10.5° above horizon 
Times are local for Vancouver (PDT - Pacific Daylight Time).

Annular Solar Eclipse

Between Medford and Redding CA

Maximum for about 5 minutes in the center of the path
Time for Redding Annular
Maximum Eclipse May 20 at 6:29 PM 280° 19.7° above the horizon


Also Annular in Brookings, OR  to Eureka, CA

The Google Map is interactive and will give times (UT) for any location in the path

 Click the Map (it's pretty and neat!)






Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Making A Selection using Color Range...

Selection using Color Range and Refining the Edges... 

Before After

You'll Find the details here,  http://uofgts.com/PS-P2Site/selectionbycolor.html



Week3 Review -Part 1

Have fun!


Setting up Photoshop for best performance

Learning the Work Environment, The canvas, tools, tool bar options and the dialogue panels.

The "power" in Photoshop is: Adjustment Layers, Selections and Masks


Besides Practice, practice, practice it's time to share your before and after photos….  post a sample of your work to the class blog...

Next up:  Making selections using Selection > Color Range... 


Got a question, holler!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 2 -Camera Raw, Mastering The Basic Panel -Links fixed

Okay Let's try this again with UNIVERSAL Links


Learn the Basic Panel in Photoshop's Camera Raw.

"Photoshop is a great plugin for Camera Raw," Photographer and Camera Raw Guru, Jeff Schewe

It is easier and quicker than using Photoshop Elements or Photoshop to enhance your photo's. The Camera Raw plugin not only loads digital raw files, it'll also load "jpg" and "tiff" photos.

Have fun processing your images!

Send me some examples of your work!  or post them to the blog...


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Camera Raw V6.7 Update for Photoshop CS5.5 and Photoshop Elements 10


This may be the last update for Camera Raw in the Photoshop CS 5 Suite

If you have a brand new camera, this update will be very important!

For Windows Photoshop CS 5 Camera Raw 6.7


For Macs Photoshop CS 5 Camera Raw 6.7



For Photoshop Elements 10 (Windows)

 For Photoshop Elements 10 (Mac)